Priority Areas
- Develop human capacity
- Establish and maintain positive relations with the public through efficient communication
- Promote sustainable sporting development through media stimulation
- Lobby for establishment of sporting infrastructure while maintaining those already available through available communication channels
Strategic goals
- To promote and contribute to improved performance through talent optimization, development and high performance programs
- To transform the sport and recreation sector through the creation a sound communication corridor with equal opportunities for all
- Maximize promotion of sporting, recreational and physical education in every school
- To promote and contribute to the health and well-being of our citizens through valuable content
Strategic Objectives
- To promote mass participation and talent optimization through support for athletes/ schools
- To promote active and healthy lifestyles via regularly filmed documentaries or news items
- To provide strategic media support for athletes
- To deliver sport development and high performance programs to the Federation and the region
- To provide a solid multi-media platform to promote all athletes